Day 19 - The Fellowship Breaks Up

Thursday 28th July 2016

In the morning Sean rides down to the Corsica Ferries office at the port and books passage on tonight's sailing over to Toulon. This will see him on the A7 heading for Lyon before 7am tomorrow.

I take a stroll up to the local garage in search of an iPhone charging lead. Mine has been playing up. On the way I spot a rather fetching Buell S1 so I say hello to the owner and take a picture.

Very clean Corsican Buell

I find a couple of campsites midway between Toulon and Calais as potential stopovers for Sean if he's getting tired, and I also get in touch with Paul &Sue at Les Ballastieres, an excellent overnight stop before catching an early morning train through the channel tunnel.

Mick finally gets confirmation of his flight details. They have made hard work of it for him. He has a flight to Paris Orly this evening, then a taxi to Charles de Gaulle an hour away, then a flight to Doncaster.

The problem is that the Doncaster flight doesn't leave until 10am. Mick will have to fend for himself overnight at the airport, no hotel is on offer.

So Mick packs up what he can in his two panniers and one canoe bag, ditching his tent, camp bed and various sundries that cannot be distributed between Sean's bike and mine. Then we hug and wave goodbye as a taxi takes him away.

Sean packed and ready to go

Safe travels buddy

I go swimming in the pool while Sean gets ready for the off. His ferry leaves at 10pm, arriving in Toulon at 06:30  tomorrow.

And so now there is one


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