Day 13 - And then they were 3 again

Friday 22nd July 2016

We are up with the larks as daylight creeps into the valley. It has been rather wonderful sleeping in a comfortable bed with a gentle breeze from the wide open shutters and windows.

View from our room
Breakfast is served in the garden. Nice fresh bread with jam and honey as is the habit in France.
They don't do cheese and meat or eggs at breakfast round these parts.We take our time coming round and slowly pack our overnight stuff onto the bikes.

Sean is in touch. His bike is running but the garage cannot (or will not) guarantee that the clutch itself is not damaged. Only one way to find out. Hopefully this is just arse-covering on the part of the garage.

We arrange to meet up at the Corsica Ferries office in Nice. There is a ferry we can catch leaving this afternoon and arriving on the island around nightfall.
Breakfast in the garden

It can't have been much fun for the lad stuck in a hotel in the middle of nowhere just waiting for his bike to be fixed. He is in a very basic hotel with no restaurant or pool in an industrial estate outside Frejus. There are few local facilities so he is overjoyed when he finds a Lidl.

Sean in Lidl heaven
For Mick and I it's one more crack at riding down through the Gorges du Vesubie and back onto the main Nice road. It takes about an hour to get into the city.

We ride along the length of the famous Promenade des Anglais past all the famous old hotels and casinos to the ferry port at the eastern end of the seafront. It is busy but much quieter than the chaotic time we had here a few days ago. The road along the front has been reopened.

There are some mega yachts in the harbour as we ride round to the terminal. We follow the signs for the Corsica ferry and are directed to an office where we can get tickets.
Meanwhile Sean texts that he is on his way. We get coffee at a nearby cafe and wait for him.

Sean shows up with much whooping and hollering. It's good to get the team back together at last  We still have an hour to spare before the ferry to Ajaccio sails. Just right. We head into the office. The Ajaccio crossing takes 6 hours and costs €89 for man and bike. We are on our way.

Sailing out of Nice harbour

It is dark by the time we disembark. I have a campsite in the satnav so we head out of town and a few miles along the coast to Camping u Prunelli.
Can't see much in the dark but the management are friendly and we are soon ready for a couple of beers on the terrace above the pool. We'll explore a bit more tomorrow.

First view of Camping Prunelli


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